How to optimize your website?

  1. Quality content

Content is the main component of a website and so, it is one of the most important aspects in website optimization. Therefore, it is very important and crucial to have quality contents. These are components of quality contents:

  • Very helpful and informative for guests
  • Stand out among other similar contents
  • Significantly caught guests' attention
  • Generate emotions (awe, happiness, etc.)
  • Solve guests' problems
  1. Popular and right-on-target keyword

Keyword is a word or a sentence that user puts in into search engine in order to find something. Therefore, the more relevant and popular the keyword is (the one you put on your website), the higher the chance of the search engine to identiy your website. That results in your website's rank. To know the right keyword, you need to research it.

  1. Interesting page title

A good title is not title that has SEO keyword in it, but it is the one that is so interesting to the point that people want to click it.

  1. Brief and descriptive URL

Although it doesn't have big of an affect, but a brief URL that incorporates keyword can affect a website's rank on search engine.Examples of bad URL (avoid this):

A good URL, on the other hand, is always relevant with the content of the website itself. Examples:

Use URL that describes the content, even better if it can include the keyword.

  1. Reference link to other websites

Link to other websites with good reputations will promote a website's content reputation. Analogy:A non-fiction book will always have references to other sources, otherwise it will be perceived as untrustworthy.

  1. Internal link to ease navigation

There's a term called bounce. Bounce is when a user goes in and out of a website without doing anything. High bounce rate can be resulted from:

  • Disappointing quality of the website
  • Difficulty in navigating through the website

It needs to be remembered that disappointing website will not get a high rank on the search engine and so, bounce rate can be a good indicator for user's satisfaction. One of the good ways to decrease bounce rate is to put links to another website so that users who enter that website can go to other websites using that website.

  1. Can be shared to social media
  2. Website's load speed

Website with faster loading speed will have better rank than the one who doesn't because loading speed helps users to feel more comfortable in a website. No one likes a slow loading website. Factors that can affect the load speed:

  • Hosting's quality
  • Amount of .js and .css files on <head>
  • Too big of a size of a page that bothers users/guests

Note: videos and photos will not affect the load speed of a website - unless the aount of videos and photos are too excessive.