Verified Freelancers (VF) are selected freelancers who have gone through the interview process by the Sribu team and have received the VERIFIED label on their Sribu profile.

Trusted Freelancers (TF) are the selected freelancer chosen by the Sribu team and have earned the TRUSTED badge on the Sribulancer profile.


What are the benefits of being a Sribu Verified dan Trusted Freelancer?

  • You will be recommended to clients who need your skills.
  • Listed as a member of TF community with interesting job posts and knowledge sharing.
  • Having the priority for an urgent and skill-specific job with good pay.
  • Getting first information on certain jobs from Sribu staff.

To become a VF, here are the terms and conditions applied :

  1. Active at Sribu, including sending out job applications and being a professional.
  2. Own an updated Sribu  portfolio. 
  3. Has gone through the interview process by the Sribu team.

To become a TF, here are the terms and conditions applied :

  1. Active at Sribu  , including sending out job applications and being a professional.
  2. Own an updated Sribu portfolio. 
  3. Have a rating of at least or equal to 4.5 and total of>5 jobs completed and reviewed by clients 
  4. Minimum 1-2 years of working experience.
  5. Professional, communicative, highly committed and skillful.

If you fit the above conditions, you will be contacted by Sribu team for a short interview and contract agreement.

If you have any questions, you can contact us at: 


Telp:           +6221-31106996

